I will be using technology in my classroom. Although there are those students who don’t have a computer or internet access at home but there are always options out there for students to gain access. The use of technology can improve the quality of education in a students learning experience. As Swain and Edyburn stated “…it allows students to learn the concept deeply, enhances higher-order thinking opportunities, presents their knowledge in ways that mesh with strengths, and furthers educational and future workplace opportunities.” Technology can only help a student.
Social justice is the belief that “…we are discussing how the good and bad things in life should be distributed among the members of a human society.” This does not mean that if a student does not have a computer then to bad for them, it means that everyone needs to be given equal opportunity for access of technology. Students need to be fluent in all aspects of technology in this day and age. If you are not tech savvy then you will have a hard time finding a job. Swain and Edyburn stated a surprising statistic that over 80% of all jobs in the next 2 decades will require the future worker to be fluent in all technology. I know that workers my parent’s age are not all tech savvy, my father is a perfect example of this. He doesn’t even know how to send an email. He learned how to access and use the internet only 2 years ago!
I believe that I will be disadvantaging my students if I don’t use technology in my classroom. Students can aid in their own learning of the topic when they can find new ways of learning the information at hand. Although some teachers do use technology they could be using it in a way that is not allowing students a social justice. If a teacher segregates between low achieving and high achieving students and the way they can use a computer, they are putting them at a disadvantage and not using social justice. The only way to use technology for a social justice is if you give all your students equal opportunities for success and advancement.
For students who are disadvantaged and don’t have access to a computer in the home that is not a problem at all. The student will have access to the school computers during school hours, they can go to the local library for computer access and they can go to a friend’s house and use their computer. The issue of no access is no reason to cut technology from your classroom because this is not an issue at all.
Jayne Herrington
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
The use of humor in the presentation made the time pass faster and made the presentation more enjoyable for everyone involved. One this I really enjoyed was all the funny videos in the presentation. It allowed for us to learn the subject in a fun way that engaged us. Jeopardy was amazing. Great idea!
One thing that was not very engaging was when the presenter would just read off a note sheet and not have much variation in their voice. The presentation needs to be more rehearsed and entertaining. Along with not reading off notes the presenter should not read off the slides too. The presenter’s voice get drowned out because it is bouncing off the wall and back to us. During a presentation the speaker needs to be looking to the audience the whole time.
I would make my presentation more adaptable to my short presentation time instead of saying “if you were my class.” I know that I rushed through my presentation and I could have looked at my audience more. Overall I needed to slow my presentation down but because time was short I did my best to make it short and sweet.
Yes, I enjoy using PowerPoint as a tool for presenting. I will definitely use PowerPoint in my classroom to aid in my lessons. It is a great tool for my students to be able to listen to the presentation but also visually see what is happening. A pro for PowerPoint is you can provide the class with an outline of the information. A teacher can post the slide online and students can bring them to class and take notes directly onto the slides. One of the cons for PowerPoint is there can be technology problems and you might have an awesome presentation outlined and when you are in class it could freak out and not work and you will spend more time trying to figure it out then you would presenting it. This could be a very big problem when you are in the middle of class. Teachers always need to think on their feet when giving a PowerPoint presentation expecting something to go wrong.
One thing that was not very engaging was when the presenter would just read off a note sheet and not have much variation in their voice. The presentation needs to be more rehearsed and entertaining. Along with not reading off notes the presenter should not read off the slides too. The presenter’s voice get drowned out because it is bouncing off the wall and back to us. During a presentation the speaker needs to be looking to the audience the whole time.
I would make my presentation more adaptable to my short presentation time instead of saying “if you were my class.” I know that I rushed through my presentation and I could have looked at my audience more. Overall I needed to slow my presentation down but because time was short I did my best to make it short and sweet.
Yes, I enjoy using PowerPoint as a tool for presenting. I will definitely use PowerPoint in my classroom to aid in my lessons. It is a great tool for my students to be able to listen to the presentation but also visually see what is happening. A pro for PowerPoint is you can provide the class with an outline of the information. A teacher can post the slide online and students can bring them to class and take notes directly onto the slides. One of the cons for PowerPoint is there can be technology problems and you might have an awesome presentation outlined and when you are in class it could freak out and not work and you will spend more time trying to figure it out then you would presenting it. This could be a very big problem when you are in the middle of class. Teachers always need to think on their feet when giving a PowerPoint presentation expecting something to go wrong.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Cell Phones in the Classroom?
When asked the question should cell phones be banned from the classroom I wholeheartedly say yes. A cell phone has no place in the classroom. “Any phone that is worthy of being called an educational tool is not on the “buy one, get one free” plan.” I agree 100% with this quote from the article. Not every student will have a cell phone in your classroom let alone a “smart phone.”
The side that was advocating cell phone use in the classroom based her argument on the fact that the students will all have smart phone. She went on to say a student needs to know how to use a cell phone as an educational tool to be successful later in life in the career path they chose. This is not realistic and incorrect. As stated from the yes side of the argument “I cannot think of a job where “cell phone operation” was a skill.” This could not be truer. If you walk into an interview and have tell your future employer you are skilled in the applications of x, y, and z smart phone do you honestly think the interviewer will say “That is exactly what we were looking for!” I don’t think so.
Cell phones are a students toy and a classroom distraction. I will never use cell phones in my classroom.
The side that was advocating cell phone use in the classroom based her argument on the fact that the students will all have smart phone. She went on to say a student needs to know how to use a cell phone as an educational tool to be successful later in life in the career path they chose. This is not realistic and incorrect. As stated from the yes side of the argument “I cannot think of a job where “cell phone operation” was a skill.” This could not be truer. If you walk into an interview and have tell your future employer you are skilled in the applications of x, y, and z smart phone do you honestly think the interviewer will say “That is exactly what we were looking for!” I don’t think so.
Cell phones are a students toy and a classroom distraction. I will never use cell phones in my classroom.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Cyberbullying is “the use of Internet technology to inflict emotional harm through repeated and deliberate harassment, threats, and intimidation. Cyberbulling can consist of making threats; issuing insults and slurs; and other activities that are designed to inflict harm or damage to a person and his or her reputation, life, or even computer system.” As stated by Taylor in Cyberbullying: Is There Anything School Can Do? I personally do my have any experience with cyberbullying. I feel very fortunate to not have to deal with this although in reading the article about the girl committing suicide after a fake boy on MySpace told her too it opened my eyes to what is out there.
Schools are faced with a huge problem regarding cyberbullying because they don’t know where they can intervene and when they can’t. Many people will argue what kind of reach a school district has on issues and events that happen outside of the school. There have been law suits that schools have won over cyberbullying although it is very hard to convict someone when the event does not occur on school grounds or even school hours.
There are warning signs to look for if a student is being bullies such as they are regularly absent or late to class, there grades drop significantly, they are not hanging out with their friends as much as they used too and they are overly angry after using a cell phone or computer. There is a time and place for when school should intervene. Schools can’t always take action because they can be violating student’s rights although if the problem continues to exist something needs to be done.
I will address the issue right away in my classroom telling the students any form of bullying is not allowed and explain to them that cyberbullying is a form. I would define cyberbullying for the students that might not know what it is. This will be another step taken at the beginning of the year, so if an event happens over the course of the year I can say refer to your syllabus and they will see consequences for cyberbullying. I will also enlist trust into my students that if they see bullying happen they will inform me or another staff member at the school.
Schools are faced with a huge problem regarding cyberbullying because they don’t know where they can intervene and when they can’t. Many people will argue what kind of reach a school district has on issues and events that happen outside of the school. There have been law suits that schools have won over cyberbullying although it is very hard to convict someone when the event does not occur on school grounds or even school hours.
There are warning signs to look for if a student is being bullies such as they are regularly absent or late to class, there grades drop significantly, they are not hanging out with their friends as much as they used too and they are overly angry after using a cell phone or computer. There is a time and place for when school should intervene. Schools can’t always take action because they can be violating student’s rights although if the problem continues to exist something needs to be done.
I will address the issue right away in my classroom telling the students any form of bullying is not allowed and explain to them that cyberbullying is a form. I would define cyberbullying for the students that might not know what it is. This will be another step taken at the beginning of the year, so if an event happens over the course of the year I can say refer to your syllabus and they will see consequences for cyberbullying. I will also enlist trust into my students that if they see bullying happen they will inform me or another staff member at the school.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Googling Yourself
When I googled myself I didn't find too much information that I was embarrassed about. The bulk of the information I found was from when I was in high school athletics. I have a wide variety of track stats that are posted about me along with many dance competition results from my days of studio dance. I also found a few links to room assignments for when I went on trips while on the Oregon State cheerleading team. There was a link to my facebook page. For an online class I took last year, we were required to respond to posts on a blog/website and I found some of my submissions to that as well. Some links that I found were http://sb3.athletic.net/TrackAndField/Athlete.aspx?AID=14175 showing all my track stats for my junior and senior years. http://www.nycdance.com/reg/portland_wn_0506.htm this is a link to results from a regional dance completion that I did very good at and went to nationals for later that year.
I could not find a single thing that I would want to change now that I have searched my name. I was shocked to find that they don’t have any personal information about me. I didn’t find a single website that had my address on it. I only found one that told me I live in Portland and my age. The only information I found I think my students would be interested in knowing about me. Since I want to be a PE teacher, for my students to Google my name and find stats and results from various sports I did would be beneficial in my mind so they know I am knowledgeable and have experience in many different sports.
I think that a teacher should be held to the same standards as the community. They need to present themselves in the classroom and in the community as a positive role model for young minds. If I was a parent I would search my child’s teacher and see if they look professional and are not going out and partying every weekend and posting inappropriate pictures. A teacher’s personal life should be private and not displayed all over the internet. If a teacher is talking inappropriately in class or online they need to be notified and told to fit the language. Free speech can’t be preached here because when they are influencing young America they need to be on best behavior.
An interesting fact that I read in the article was the story about the student who posted a very inappropriate myspace page for a class assignment. This individual had a blood covered myspace page and he did not have it set to private. This put the student in a different light to the teacher and it forced the teacher to have a class wide discussion about the view from the communities eye. I know I wouldn't want to find that on the page of my students teacher.
I looked at a site that told me only 4 Jayne Herrington’s lived in the US yet the failed to list me as one of the 4. I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to slip under the radar. It was interesting to me that my twin sister and I both are not listed but my mother, father and brother all have addresses or cities and states that they live in. I am going to keep doing exactly what I am doing to protect myself. If they have not found me yet maybe I can stay that way. I also never let my friends tag me in drinking photos. I have had to keep a low profile and portray myself as a positive role model all through college because of cheerleading and dance team so I feel it has become a part of me.
I could not find a single thing that I would want to change now that I have searched my name. I was shocked to find that they don’t have any personal information about me. I didn’t find a single website that had my address on it. I only found one that told me I live in Portland and my age. The only information I found I think my students would be interested in knowing about me. Since I want to be a PE teacher, for my students to Google my name and find stats and results from various sports I did would be beneficial in my mind so they know I am knowledgeable and have experience in many different sports.
I think that a teacher should be held to the same standards as the community. They need to present themselves in the classroom and in the community as a positive role model for young minds. If I was a parent I would search my child’s teacher and see if they look professional and are not going out and partying every weekend and posting inappropriate pictures. A teacher’s personal life should be private and not displayed all over the internet. If a teacher is talking inappropriately in class or online they need to be notified and told to fit the language. Free speech can’t be preached here because when they are influencing young America they need to be on best behavior.
An interesting fact that I read in the article was the story about the student who posted a very inappropriate myspace page for a class assignment. This individual had a blood covered myspace page and he did not have it set to private. This put the student in a different light to the teacher and it forced the teacher to have a class wide discussion about the view from the communities eye. I know I wouldn't want to find that on the page of my students teacher.
I looked at a site that told me only 4 Jayne Herrington’s lived in the US yet the failed to list me as one of the 4. I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to slip under the radar. It was interesting to me that my twin sister and I both are not listed but my mother, father and brother all have addresses or cities and states that they live in. I am going to keep doing exactly what I am doing to protect myself. If they have not found me yet maybe I can stay that way. I also never let my friends tag me in drinking photos. I have had to keep a low profile and portray myself as a positive role model all through college because of cheerleading and dance team so I feel it has become a part of me.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Digital Status
I would consider myself a digital native with a mix of immigrant. While watching the video it mentioned using cell phones to learn. I highly disagree with this statement. How can you prove that the student is doing what you asked them to do and not just texting their friend next door? I think that technology is highly important to incorporate into all classrooms and using you tube videos to view a topic you are covering and show how it happens in real life is very interesting to the students and they will love this.
I would consider my self a mix between immigrant and native because although I have grown up in the digital native movement, I consider myself technology challenged at times. I have a basic working knowledge of technology and how to use it but everyday I learn something new about it. I know my students will know more about some forms of technology and I will be feeding off them at times for help. When reading Engage Me or Enrage Me a quote that stuck in my mind was “Many of today’s third-graders have
multiple e-mail addresses.” I was shocked to read this statistic because thinking about to when I was in 3rd grade I didn’t even know what e-mail was.
“What does “dial” a number mean, anyways?” was a quote from the text called Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. I can relate to this and I know this is the thinking of our future students. I feel the same way at times. I have gotten so dependent on my cell phone I don’t even know 90% of the phone numbers in my phone without it. When I was younger I always had to dial numbers into a phone and I thought it took so long to do because now anyone is just a push of the button away.
When I was in high school we had access to all different technology and it was the same for college. Last year when the Smart boards were incorporated into the classroom it was a new toy that took lots of practice to know how to use. My instructors had very different experiences with the board, my older teacher who grew up a digital immigrant and my younger teacher who grew up a digital native. The digital native took to the smart board well and never had a problem and the digital immigrant never was able to grasp how to use the board; even after a whole year to work with it.
Video games are a large part of out society now. “Why not make the learning into a video game!” was a quote from Digital Native, Digital Immigrant. This is how our future students think and to find way to integrate video games into learning the more the students will pay attention. I know that with PE, students can get their heart rate up and have fun with dance dance revolution or wii fit. These articles have really opened my eyes to new information but most of this I already knew. The video was great to sum everything up. It is inevitable that I will be using technology in my classroom, I will use as much as my lessons will allow me.
I would consider my self a mix between immigrant and native because although I have grown up in the digital native movement, I consider myself technology challenged at times. I have a basic working knowledge of technology and how to use it but everyday I learn something new about it. I know my students will know more about some forms of technology and I will be feeding off them at times for help. When reading Engage Me or Enrage Me a quote that stuck in my mind was “Many of today’s third-graders have
multiple e-mail addresses.” I was shocked to read this statistic because thinking about to when I was in 3rd grade I didn’t even know what e-mail was.
“What does “dial” a number mean, anyways?” was a quote from the text called Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. I can relate to this and I know this is the thinking of our future students. I feel the same way at times. I have gotten so dependent on my cell phone I don’t even know 90% of the phone numbers in my phone without it. When I was younger I always had to dial numbers into a phone and I thought it took so long to do because now anyone is just a push of the button away.
When I was in high school we had access to all different technology and it was the same for college. Last year when the Smart boards were incorporated into the classroom it was a new toy that took lots of practice to know how to use. My instructors had very different experiences with the board, my older teacher who grew up a digital immigrant and my younger teacher who grew up a digital native. The digital native took to the smart board well and never had a problem and the digital immigrant never was able to grasp how to use the board; even after a whole year to work with it.
Video games are a large part of out society now. “Why not make the learning into a video game!” was a quote from Digital Native, Digital Immigrant. This is how our future students think and to find way to integrate video games into learning the more the students will pay attention. I know that with PE, students can get their heart rate up and have fun with dance dance revolution or wii fit. These articles have really opened my eyes to new information but most of this I already knew. The video was great to sum everything up. It is inevitable that I will be using technology in my classroom, I will use as much as my lessons will allow me.
Monday, July 12, 2010

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